Before I talk about the kiddos, I gotta talk about the setting since that’s kind of important. CLEARS F UCKCING THROAT SO IN A YEAR OF THE DISTANT FUTURE, the climate has become a lot dryer. Not necessarily hotter, in fact the temperature has actually dropped, but everything is just. Desert. Cool-temperature desert. Summer practically doesn’t exist, it’s just fall and winter and sand. Cities and towns are distinctly separated by a couple miles of desert landscape - no community is directly touching, as if the country has just been divided into a shit ton of mini states. In the particular city the story takes place in, a rather large city at that, there’s a large portion of the city that’s almost like a maze of back alleys that’s made up of two-story-tall brick walls. There’s small rooms made in the brick walls - more like the wall just makes a small square-shaped turn but one side is missing if that makes sense??? Or another very very very short back alley??? The “door” to the room is just a tall chain-linked fence with a gate, which inhabitants will either leave open or cover up with a blanket or something for privacy. A lock for the gate is provided, though. This maze was provided by the government for homeless people. There’s no roof, but at least it provides a safe place for people. There’s a pretty shabby bed and a metal shower head too, but other than that you gotta provide for yourself. This is where Say lives. So Arc and Say are both this specific kind of humanoid species. They each have their own specific characteristics, but there’s a few things they both have in common They’re biologically agender, and they have no reproductive system nor any apparent means of reproduction Just like humans can’t remember much before the age of 3 or 4 years old, these two can’t remember anything before around the age of 6. That plus their inability to reproduce makes their origins a mystery They have a digestive system, but no excretory system. Anything they eat is absorbed for either nutrition and energy. Now I SWEAR to HOLY GOSH I had no idea Tokyo Ghoul existed before I made these kids, but their bodies only gain a healthy amount of nutrition from human parts (well, living parts of humans anyways. they couldn’t eat, like, their hair or fingernails or something). Anything else is really insufficient, even though it does give them a small amount of energy, and trying to live off of that only would result in a slow starvation. They have more teeth than humans, specifically an extra row of molars, bimolars, and canines, but that second row is missing the incisors They’re both 17 years old Due to having a layer of stem cells under their skin, they can heal from shallow wounds much quicker (I honestly have no idea if that’s scientifically possible, it’s just some fictional theory I had for these two as to why they could recover from wounds quicker) Say’s self-specific traits include She’s physically stronger than arc, and has a larger body-type, and can run faster/lift heavier objects She has perfect eyesight that’s about it tbh Arc on the other hand has A higher pain tolerance, and wounds don’t bother him much at all A very. very. vvvvery keen sense of smell. Which is how he found Say - he literally sniffed her out. He’s actually pretty physically weak He’s very sensory - he can almost feel everything, which is how he gets around with bandages over his fucking eyes like what the fuck man those are LITERALLY ONLY THERE BECAUSE HE’S LIKE “WHY THE HELL NOT” Say doesn’t like herself. At all. She tries her best to blend in with humans, and when (GET READY FOR EDGE FEST) she kills people for food, she does it as quickly and painlessly as possible, and makes sure to utilize every single part of the body that she can. Anything she cant use, though, she ties in a trash back with a weight and drops it in this huge as fuck dam that’s near the maze (which is what everyone calls the homeless shelter thing I mentioned earlier). This is kind of where everyone from the maze drops their trash, so it’s nothing unusual to see someone throwing a weighted trash bag in the dam. Fun fact, actually, Say got her name because, while at the dam, a man who works at a nearby water treatment facility (which gets water from the dam. and filters it. from all the trash) struck up a conversation with her when she was young and at some point was like “Say, do you have a family?” and she thought he was calling her “say”, as if that was her name. Say’s biggest fear is being thought of as a monster. She doesn’t want what she is to be brought to anyone’s attention, she just wants to live her life and be chill. HOWEVER, THIS ASSHOLE ARC COMES IN. Arc came from a neighboring town. A pretty small town, actually, one filled with a bunch of conservative Christian white people. Just picture that if you will. Arc was adopted by a nuclear family around 10 years old, and because “he looked like a boy”, they just decided he was a boy. They never looked to see if he was actually a boy. As Arc tried to repress his edgy-human-eating-needs more, though, it just. didn’t go well. So what does he do???? Like the edgelord he is he literally wipes out the whole goddamn town. He doesn’t even eat everyone. He just kills people for the adrenaline. He then gets frustrated with having never known another person like him, so he sets out and tries to filter out the human population - meaning he kills anyone human. When he reaches the neighboring city and gets the scent trace of Say, of-fucking-course he won’t leave her alone. He leaves trails of carnage throughout the maze as he kills people (not even in search of her - he knows where she is, he’s just feeding that adrenaline addiction). This gets the attention of the police. Because Arc is a mastermind at hiding and escaping, he basically lets Say take all the blame for the murders. As the police investigate the cells, despite having cleaned up as well as she could, they still pick up traces of blood with their nifty blacklight blood-detecting thinggies. Like, a lot of blood. So they arrest her - and when taking blood samples to make sure she hasn’t contracted any weird diseases while being homeless or whatever, the lab notices that her blood is in no way human. Say is then sent to a species observation facility, which is devoted to observing the effects of the climate changes of the planet of different species as well as fully examining new species. You guessed it - Say is treated like an animal there. They actually rule her as a non-living species, since she doesn’t fit the criteria of living things due to being unable to reproduce. Basically Arc made Say’s worst fears come true all by blaming her for something he did. In the facility they drug her, do harmless dissections on her without telling her first, and do various (rather stressful and cruel) tests that have to do with her non-human characteristics. She knows she’s being mistreated and that she has to escape, but when trying to escape silently, she’s discovered and has to last-resort to violence. In the act of basically slaughtering her way out of the facility, she somewhat loses herself and goes into this extreme dissociated state. All she cares about now at this point is finding Arc and Ending His Gosh Dang Existence so he doesn’t go do this to someone else. During the week or two she was in the facility, though, Arc has already done his damage. He raided his way into the supply shed of the defense department (since this city is Huge As Fuck of course it’s got a defense department), and we’re just gonna say he went ecstatic over the amount of explosives he found. He also got a gun. Arc With A Gun. There he be. Since his pain tolerance is so high and he doesn’t care about wounds, though they do heal quickly, it’s really no problem pulling off such an act of terrorism - any shots fired at him are like a walk in the park. So there he is, facing Say as well as a bunch of police defense guys with guns. He’s so happy to see Say, actually, that he goes in for a hug. He missed her, he hadn’t seen her in, like, two weeks! But like! Say fucking! Attempts beheading him or something! Because she’s got a saw. Idk she picked one off the ground along the way but she has one. So Arc is like AW SHIT THO and falls down this large pile of exploded building and other rubbish that they’re standing on. The police dudes are like AW MAN YEAH THIS KID JUST KILLED THE TERRORIST and they’re going up to Say, noticing that she’s in poor shape (both mentally and physically) and they’re like dude u ok?? do u need us to call someone? ???? can we take you back to the department and ask some questions about this guy or do you need to rest first????????? and while Say’s getting all this attention, Arc takes the opportunity to wipe out the remaining police guys at the scene. He faked dying from Say’s beheading-attempt just so he could do this (she really only got his throat). Arc rushes up on Say, who’s so disoriented she doesn’t have time to react, and fires the remaining bullets at her (he has like, some kinda machine gun, so it’s A LOT OF BULLETS). He finishes her off by returning the beheading favor - except actually being successful at it this time. Taking her head with him, Arc sets off for the next city.